My OpenBSD commits

Frederic Cambus August 31, 2019 [OpenBSD]

Today marks my three year anniversary as an OpenBSD developer. I got my commit bit on August 31th 2016 during the g2k16 hackathon in Cambridge, UK.

A few months ago, I came across a Perl one-liner script to produce commit time distribution ASCII graphs from a Git repository, and I finally have a good pretext to run it :-)

As of this day, I have done 749 commits to OpenBSD, in the following repositories: src (127), ports(596), www (24), and xenocara (2).

Commits in the src repository:

00 -    0
01 -    0
02 -    0
03 -    0
04 -    0
05 -    0
06 -    1 ***
07 -    4 **************
08 -    8 ****************************
09 -    9 ********************************
10 -   13 **********************************************
11 -    9 ********************************
12 -   10 ***********************************
13 -   11 ***************************************
14 -   13 **********************************************
15 -    4 **************
16 -    5 *****************
17 -    6 *********************
18 -    4 **************
19 -    9 ********************************
20 -   14 **************************************************
21 -    4 **************
22 -    3 **********
23 -    0

Commits in the ports repository:

00 -    1
01 -    0
02 -    0
03 -    0
04 -    0
05 -    2 *
06 -   14 **********
07 -   32 ***********************
08 -   34 *************************
09 -   67 **************************************************
10 -   46 **********************************
11 -   53 ***************************************
12 -   40 *****************************
13 -   38 ****************************
14 -   34 *************************
15 -   34 *************************
16 -   35 **************************
17 -   20 **************
18 -   15 ***********
19 -   24 *****************
20 -   34 *************************
21 -   43 ********************************
22 -   19 **************
23 -   11 ********

Commits in the www repository:

00 -    0
01 -    0
02 -    0
03 -    0
04 -    0
05 -    0
06 -    0
07 -    1 ************
08 -    0
09 -    3 *************************************
10 -    2 *************************
11 -    4 **************************************************
12 -    0
13 -    2 *************************
14 -    1 ************
15 -    1 ************
16 -    1 ************
17 -    1 ************
18 -    1 ************
19 -    3 *************************************
20 -    3 *************************************
21 -    1 ************
22 -    0
23 -    0

Commits in the xenocara repository:

00 -    0
01 -    0
02 -    0
03 -    0
04 -    0
05 -    0
06 -    0
07 -    0
08 -    0
09 -    0
10 -    0
11 -    0
12 -    0
13 -    0
14 -    1 **************************************************
15 -    0
16 -    0
17 -    0
18 -    0
19 -    0
20 -    0
21 -    1 **************************************************
22 -    0
23 -    0